Tuesday 12 January 2010

Honey, I cancelled the carers II - shrinking the visits (again)

Sorry if I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but after another casual conversation with Mum the other day she said "Well you do know I've cancelled the morning visit from the carers". Yes, of course I know, because I can read minds. I didn't know anything about this, as it wasn't a discussion Mum had with me, it was one she had with the MacMillan Nurse. This is the same MacMillan Nurse that I had previously phoned to say how worried I was about the reduction in the number of visits Mum was having from the carers, a discussion which had obviously disappeared like Scotch Mist in the vale of Brigadoon. A couple of people I've told about this are amazed that the MacMillan woman didn't think to give me a call to involve me in the discussion, these nurses being practitioners who see the care of the patient to involve those who link in with them, family members for example. She's obviously not one of those practitioners...

I was very annoyed and disappointed that Mum had felt cancelling the morning carer's visit was a good idea and did ask her if she knew how worrying this was for me. I said that if she got up in the morning and didn't feel like making her breakfast, she would then be waiting until lunchtime. If she called me for help, I might be on my way to work somewhere in the wrong direction from her house, or snowed in even, not such an unlikely prospect. We only managed to dig out the cars on Saturday, so if this situation had occurred last week, she really would have been on her own. In a childish rage Mum said she would "speak to the Macmillan Nurse" (Grrrrrrrr!) and get the visit reinstated, but on seeing Mum today it's obvious she had no intention of doing this. She was actually quite glib about it. My reminding her that she would have been very worried had my Granny (her Mum) refused her carer's visits did not hit home.

So that's how things are. Mum is just having a lunchtime visit and no more. Will I wonder every morning if she managed to get her own breakfast ready? Probably. Have I lost all faith in the MacMillan Nurse? Certainly.

On my way home from Mum's today, my phone was ringing and I managed to access the message that was left at some traffic lights. I had left my house keys back at Mum's. Bummer. This is the product of having such a full brain. I had also forgotten to put my glasses on this morning, something I'd not realised until I was in the car and everything was slightly blurry. I LOATHE the fact that all that's going on with Mum makes me come across as being ditsy. Yuck!

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