Monday 8 February 2010

Stop press! Car news!

The breakdown service cometh and the car in Mum's garage is now going again! Horrah! Apparently the battery needed replacing and a tyre needed pumping up, not that the latter reason was why the breakdown service needed calling out, not that I event knew about the tyre, but never mind. So it's over to me to get the MOT sorted, then either brother embraces utilising the car or Mum will sell it. I told Mum selling the car might actually be the best option the other day during my rant, which she has now mentioned to brother. When I asked Mum what he thought about selling the car as an alternative, she said that he was thinking about it. Looks like we'll have an outcome in about six months then! At least with an MOT, in theory Dad's car should be able to keep on truckin'. Goodness only knows what he would have thought of all this nonsense.

Another odd development is the fact that Mum has chipped a tooth and I need to get her to a dentist's appointment. Quoting Ogden Nash,

Some tortures are physical,
And some are mental,
But the one that is both
Is dental.

Both Mum and I know how he feels.

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